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xmlpp::Attribute Member List

This is the complete list of members for xmlpp::Attribute, including all inherited members.
add_child(const std::string &name, const std::string &ns_prefix=std::string())xmlpp::Node
Attribute(_xmlNode *node)xmlpp::Attribute [explicit]
cobj() const xmlpp::Attribute
find(const std::string &xpath) const xmlpp::Node
get_children(const std::string &name=std::string())xmlpp::Node
get_children(const std::string &name=std::string()) const xmlpp::Node
get_line() const xmlpp::Node
get_name() const xmlpp::Attribute
get_namespace_prefix() const xmlpp::Node
get_namespace_uri() const xmlpp::Node
get_path() const xmlpp::Node
get_value() const xmlpp::Attribute
import_node(const Node *node, bool recursive=true)xmlpp::Node
Node(_xmlNode *node)xmlpp::Node [explicit]
NodeList typedefxmlpp::Node
NonCopyable()xmlpp::NonCopyable [protected]
remove_child(Node *node)xmlpp::Node
set_name(const std::string &name)xmlpp::Node
set_namespace(const std::string &ns_prefix)xmlpp::Node
set_value(const std::string &value)xmlpp::Attribute
~Attribute()xmlpp::Attribute [virtual]
~Node()xmlpp::Node [virtual]
~NonCopyable()xmlpp::NonCopyable [protected, virtual]

Generated on Wed May 5 22:52:44 2004 for libxml++ by doxygen 1.3.5